The Trends and Challenges of the Online Car-Hailing Industry in Guangzhou and Beyond

TapTechNews July 7th news, according to the Guangzhou Online Car-hailing Market Operation Management Monitoring Information Monthly Report released by Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau on July 2nd, 2024, from September 2023 to May 2024, the number of registered online car-hailing vehicles in Guangzhou increased from 97,400 to 121,200, and the number of registered drivers increased from 129,100 to 138,500.

Meanwhile, from December last year to May this year, the daily average order volume of online car-hailing dropped from 14.21 orders to 12.22 orders, and the daily average revenue also dropped to a new low of $311.63, calculated based on 'no rest for a month' with 30 days of driving, the monthly income is about $9,438.9, which fails to reach 10,000.

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Since this year, many places across the country have issued risk warnings for the online car-hailing industry, publicly reminding people to be cautious in entering this industry. Warning information shows that the transport capacity of online car-hailing in many places has tended to be saturated or far exceeds the actual demand.

Referring to the previous report of TapTechNews, there was a previous survey claiming that 'there are quite a number of drivers who drive online car-hailing by renting a car in Beijing and drive for 14 or 15 hours a day', 'leep when tired and work when awake', but after deducting the cost of car rental, rent, charging fees, etc., the average monthly income of drivers is between $6,000 and $8,000, which converts to earning less than $1.5 per mile driven.

And since the summer started, the disputes caused by 'online car-hailing refusing to turn on the air conditioning' and 'need to pay extra to turn on the air conditioning' have continued. In some places, due to the increase of extremely hot weather and the continuous rise of oil prices, there is even a situation where a large number of online car-hailing do not turn on the air conditioning.

Related Readings:

'Why do online car-hailings refuse to turn on the air conditioning' became a hot search, and the interviewed drivers said 'the platform takes a high commission and will lose money if turned on'

'Getting up early and working hard with a net income of 6-8K, 'Beijing driver 'akes a net income of $300 after driving an online car-hailing for 16 hours' became a hot topic on Weibo'
