Delta Game Emulator Updates Icon Due to Trademark Issue

TapTechNews May 18th news, since Apple announced on April 5th that the AppStore supports game emulator applications, various major game emulator applications have successively landed on the AppStore, such as the Delta game emulator (click here to jump to download).

However, due to its application icon being too similar to the Adobe trademark, it has received a 'cease and desist letter warning'. The Delta emulator developer today released the latest 1.5.4 version and announced the update of its icon.

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TapTechNews noticed that the developer wrote in the new Delta release note: 'Adobe threatened that if we don't change our application icon, they will take legal action, so we have to make a change.'

The response obtained by TheVerge shows that the current Delta application icon is actually just a temporary solution. RileyTestut, the Delta developer, said that it will be optimized and upgraded soon:

On May 7th, Adobe's lawyer contacted Delta in a firm but friendly tone, asking to change the icon on the grounds that 'they don't want consumers to be confused or otherwise infringe on Adobe's rights or laws'.

But in fact, Adobe didn't wait for the other party's reply. On May 8th, that is, one day later, Testut received another email from Apple, stating that its上架 application may be at risk because Adobe has contacted them and 'claimed that Delta has infringed on its intellectual property rights'.

Testut said 'We replied to Apple and Adobe and explained that our icon is actually a stylized Greek letter Delta - not a capital letter A, but in any case, we will update the Delta icon to avoid confusion'.

He emphasized that the icon currently seen in the AppStore is just a temporary version, and the team is designing a new logo. 'Both the App Store and AltStore versions have updated this temporary icon, but the plan is to update it to the final version after Delta 1.6 is completed.'
