Microsoft to deprecate VBScript scripting language in Windows

TapTechNews on May 23rd, Microsoft today released a blog post announcing the progress schedule for deprecating the VBScript scripting language, which is divided into two stages: 2024-2027 and 2027 onwards, and ultimately plans to completely phase it out of the Windows stage after 2027.

Microsoft to deprecate VBScript scripting language in Windows_0

Microsoft said that after the official release of the Windows 11 24H2 update, it will continue to provide VBScript scripting support in the form of on-demand features (FODs).

Microsoft to deprecate VBScript scripting language in Windows_1

The Windows 11 24H2 image will also pre-install FOD features including VBScript and be enabled by default in the operating system. Microsoft said:

This helps ensure that when migrating VBScript dependencies (applications, processes, etc.), it will not cause a disruption in the user experience.

The second stage of VBScript's exit from Windows will arrive in 2027. At that time, Windows versions will no longer enable this FOD feature by default. TapTechNews attached the pictures as follows:

Microsoft to deprecate VBScript scripting language in Windows_2

If developers still need time to update their applications, they can still enable this FOD in future Windows versions, but Microsoft has not announced the specific deadline for the second stage.

Microsoft to deprecate VBScript scripting language in Windows_3

VBScript will be completely removed from future Windows versions. Microsoft said:

This means that all the dynamic link libraries (.dll files) of VBScript will be deleted. Therefore, the projects that depend on VBScript will stop running. At that time, we hope you have already switched to the recommended alternative program.

VBScript is short for Visual Basic Script and is sometimes abbreviated as VBS. VBScript is a scripting language developed by Microsoft and can be regarded as a simplified version of the VB language, which was released in 1996.

VBScript can be used to automatically complete repetitive Windows operating system tasks. In the Windows operating system, VBScript can run within the scope of Windows Script Host. But with the emergence of tools such as PowerShell, it has gradually been replaced.

Related reading:

Microsoft Announces the Deprecation of VBScript Scripting Language and Will Remove It in Future Windows Versions
