Modification of 1994 PowerBook 520C with iPad Screen and MacBook Pro Components

TapTechNews May 23rd news, in the latest video of the YouTube channel BillyTheKid, the 1994 model PowerBook 520C was modified and an Apple iPad screen was used along with internal components from the 2015 model MacBook Pro.

Modification of 1994 PowerBook 520C with iPad Screen and MacBook Pro Components_0

BillyTheKid stated at the beginning of the video that this project is very technical, and a little carelessness may lead to complete damage to the device.

BillyTheKid based on the shape of the 1994 model PowerBook 520C, drastically streamlined the internal components of the 2015 model MacBook Pro, continuously adjusted and drove the iPad screen through software, etc. TapTechNews attached the video as follows:

The PowerBook 520C was released in May 1994. The 520c is very similar to the 520 and is the first product in the PowerBook series to be upgraded to a 256-color display of DSTN.
