Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33

TapTechNews August 9th news, Raspberry Pi has newly released the Pico2 microcontroller-level product, priced at $5, which is an MCU development board based on the new Raspberry Pi RP2350 dual-core RISC-V or dual-core Cortex-M33 microcontroller.

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_0

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_1

RP2350 Core

The RP2350 has an open-source Hazard3 RISC-V dual-core CPU and a dual-core Cortex-M33 built-in, both running at 150 MHz, but only one cluster can be used at the same time. TapTechNews attached relevant pictures as follows:

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_2

Except for the faster MCU core and larger SRAM capacity, the RP2350 is roughly the same as the RP2040, except for an additional PIO block, with a total of three.

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_3

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_4

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_5

RISC-V Hazard3 CPU Core

Hazard3 adopts an open-source design and is a lightweight three-level unordered RV32IMACZb* machine, supporting the basic 32-bit RISC-V ISA, supporting hardware multiplication and division, atomic instructions, bit operations, etc.

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_6

Raspberry Pi Releases New Pico2 Microcontroller with RISC-V and Cortex-M33_7

Hazard3 design was developed by Raspberry Pi's ASIC engineer Luke Wren in his spare time.

Upton said that RISC-V, especially the implementation of Hazard3, can now be regarded as a mature chip technology and is worthy of being integ rated into the design of Raspberry Pi.


Another important new feature is the built-in security when using the Arm Cortex-M33 kernel with Trustzone and other security features.
