Three Gorges New Energy to Invest 79.79 Billion USD in Kubuqi Desert New Energy Project

TapTechNews June 28th news, Three Gorges New Energy released an announcement last night, planning to invest 79.79 billion US dollars to construct the New Energy Base Project in the central and northern Ordos of the Kubuqi Desert in Inner Mongolia. It will build 8,000 MW of photovoltaic, 4,000 MW of wind power, 200 MW of solar thermal, and a supporting coal-fired power project of 4,000 MW and a new energy storage of 5,000 MWh.

The dynamic investment amount of the Kubuqi Base Project is 79.792 billion US dollars, of which 20% of the project capital, which is 15.959 billion US dollars, will be contributed by shareholders according to the shareholding ratio; the remaining funds required for project construction will be solved through bank loans, financial leasing and other means.

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According to the introduction, the Kubuqi Base Project is a major national project led and actively promoted by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration. The project innovated the organizational form of a large-scale wind power and photovoltaic base, explored and promoted technological innovations in multi-energy complementarity such as wind, solar, fire and storage, and innovated the联营 model of coal-fired power and new energy, coordinating ecology, development and safety, and can achieve large-scale development and high proportion of external transmission and consumption of clean energy.

This plan aims to build a 455-gigawatt desert new energy project by 2030, which is also part of Beijing's efforts to achieve the decarbonization target of the world's second-largest economy. Inner Mongolia will account for 135 gigawatts of it.

TapTechNews learned through the official that the Kubuqi Base coal-fired power project is planned to start construction in September 2024 and is expected to be fully connected to the grid for power generation in June 2027. The construction progress of the wind power, photovoltaic, solar thermal and energy storage projects will be adjusted timely according to the progress of the coal-fired power and external transmission channels.

The electricity of the Kubuqi Base Project is planned to be externally transmitted and consumed to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region through the regulated Mengxi-Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ±800 kV UHV DC transmission project; considering the resource characteristics at the sending end and the load demand at the receiving end, the power transmission curve is reasonably designed, the proportion of renewable energy power in the channel is not less than 50%, and the utilization rate of new energy power generation is not less than 90%, meeting the requirements of the power transmission index.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Three Gorges New Energy expects to put into operation an average of no less than 5,000 MW of installed capacity per year. In 2023, the new installed capacity exceeded 13.5 million kW, and the total installed capacity exceeded 40 million kW.
