H3C Commercial Equipment with Domestic Processors Showcased at Digital China Summit

TapTechNews May 24th news, at today's 7th Digital China Construction Summit, a variety of H3C commercial equipment with domestic processors made their debut at the booth. The series of equipment can choose from Haiguang/Zhaoxin/Kaixian processors and is equipped with Galaxy Kirin/Fangde operating systems.

On-site staff showed TapTechNews the H3CDeskX500H commercial desktop workstation. The demo machine is equipped with an 8-core 16-thread Haiguang 3350 processor, equipped with 8GB DDR4 RAM, and runs Fangde 5.0 system. The on-site staff used Wine to test Photoshop CS6, and there is still some room for improvement in the running smoothness at a resolution of 1920x1080.

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In addition, there is a H3CBookZ14 notebook computer in the booth with a 4-core 4-thread Kaixian KX-6000G processor. The machine has the built-in Galaxy Kirin operating system V10 and uses a relatively mature mold-opening scheme. The on-site staff claimed that the machine'supports USB-C dual-port charging and supports fast charging', and at the same time uses 'dual fans + dual copper tubes' for heat dissipation.

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TapTechNews also noticed that there is also a UNISXCloudC500-C cloud terminal mini-host prototype at the scene. The machine is claimed to be equipped with a 'high-performance 4-core Zhaoxin processor' and is suitable for secure office scenarios, but the on-site staff did not provide a demonstration of the machine.

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