LastPass Had a Nearly 12-Hour Outage

TapTechNews on June 8th, news came that the password management service LastPass had a nearly 12-hour outage event yesterday, and the official said it was caused by an error in updating its Chrome browser extension.

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The outage time of LastPass started at 1 a.m. Beijing time on June 7th. Users reported that they couldn't access their password vault or log in to their accounts, and would pop up a 404 Not Found error, usually indicating a service interruption.

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Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction on the Reddit community and X platform:

Offline login doesn't work either. I'm transferring my family to 1Password.

I don't believe their infrastructure has no contingency measures. Before they solve this problem, I basically can't access all the websites I use.

LastPass said it basically resumed access at 8 a.m. Beijing time on June 7th, and pointed out that the incorrect update of the Chrome extension had put too much pressure on their servers.

It was written on the LastPass status page:

Our engineers found that the update to the Chrome browser extension earlier today inadvertently caused a load problem in our backend infrastructure. We are working hard to solve this problem and are actively committed to finding a solution.

As of the TapTechNews release, the related services of LastPass have returned to normal, and public information shows that there was also a global outage event on May 7th this year.
