JAXA Investigating Data Leaks after Multiple Cyberattacks

TapTechNews, June 21 - According to NHK, a spokesperson for Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) revealed today that the agency is investigating the data that may have been leaked after being subjected to multiple cyberattacks.

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JAXA officials said that highly confidential files that the agency has signed a confidentiality agreement with external companies and institutions may also be illegally obtained. As early as last year, the personal information of employees on JAXA's internal server had already been leaked, perhaps due to unauthorized external access. JAXA said that it has been investigating the extent of the loss and the detailed means of attack, but this year, the agency has suffered multiple cyberattacks again.

JAXA launched an investigation after being attacked last year, and the specific time and type of stolen data remain to be determined. At the same time, safety-related information such as the operation of rockets and satellites is stored in another network, which is not affected by this intrusion.

According to relevant officials, the server that was attacked last year stored approximately 5,000 pieces of information in total, including personal data of administrative staff and temporary staff, and these pieces of information are stored in JAXA's database.

TapTechNews also learned from Asahi Shimbun that JAXA may have a total of more than 10,000 files leaked, including the confidential information of enterprises or institutions such as Toyota and NASA.
