New National Standard for Electric Shavers Released in China

TapTechNews on August 21st, the State Administration for Market Regulation (the National Standards Committee) revised and released the national standard of Electric Shavers (GB/T23132—2024), which will be officially implemented on February 1st, 2025.

This standard revision combines the application of new technologies of electric shavers and the usage experience of consumers, adding the assessment of the structural requirements of electric shavers, improving the requirements of indicators such as the temperature rise of the blade net, sharpness, and noise, and improving the corresponding indicator test methods.

The State Administration for Market Regulation stated that the release and implementation of the standard will help improve the quality level of electric shaver products, and provide guidance for consumers to choose electric shavers with new technologies, new functions, and high-quality.

TapTechNews attaches the following official picture from the State Administration for Market Regulation:

New National Standard for Electric Shavers Released in China_0
