Small Manufacturer May Miss New Phone Wave, Focus on Meizu

TapTechNews June 8th, a blogger @DigitalChattingStation revealed today that "hearing that there is currently a small manufacturer that has not purchased the Snapdragon 8G4/Tianji 9400 processor yet and may not be able to catch up with the new phone wave at the end of this year". Referring to the comment area, it is more likely that this "small manufacturer" is Meizu.

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Refer to TapTechNews' previous reports, Meizu 21PRO phone was released in February this year. This phone is positioned as an "open AI terminal" and is equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen3 processor. The version with "12GB RAM + 256GB storage" sells for $799.99; the version with "16GB RAM + 512GB storage" sells for $859.99; the version with "16GB RAM + 1TB storage" sells for $939.99.

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And the recently released Meizu 21Note phone is equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen2 processor. The version of this machine with "16GB RAM + 256GB storage" costs $369.99, and the version with "16GB RAM + 512GB storage" costs $399.99.

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Regarding these two phones, the TapTechNews review team has conducted an analysis and evaluation. Interested friends can click the related readings below to get more details about the phones.

Related Readings:

[TapTechNews Review Room] Meizu 21PRO Experience: Stylish Design, One-Handed Wonder, Not Yet the "Full Version"

[TapTechNews Unboxing] Meizu 21Note "Meizu White" Photo Appreciation: Borderless Aesthetic Design, Double-Sided "Smart Arc"
