Some PS2 Games to Land on PS5 with New Features

TapTechNews May 17th news, a few years ago, Sony started to offer a small number of selected PlayStation 2 Classics games for PlayStation 4 for download and play (running through an emulator). Now there are indications that some PS2 games will land on PS5 in a similar way and offer new features such as enhanced graphics, game rewinding, quick save, and custom video filters.

Some PS2 Games to Land on PS5 with New Features_0

This clue comes from a new PlayStation Network product information for the game Star Wars: Clone Wars released in 2002, which recently appeared on the tracking website PSDeals. This website grabs unpublished data from the PSN server. The information shows that the simulator port version of Star Wars: Clone Wars is planned to be released on June 11.

This doesn't seem particularly special. But a note at the bottom of the list reads: This game has been ported from the PlayStation 2 version to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles and provides additional features. This is different from the previous downloadable version of PS2 on PS4, which was only marked as ported from the original PlayStation 2 version to the PS4 console.

Of course, the PS2 games previously released as PlayStation Classics can be played through the backward compatibility function of PS5. However, the new graphics boost feature specifically designed for the PS5 with 4K resolution can make these old 3D games look even better on high-end TVs. Other new features such as game rewinding, quick save, and custom video filters will also provide a better game experience than the relatively rudimentary PS2 emulator on PS4.

Some of the PS1 games that have been natively ported to PS5 in recent months also offer these same features (as well as modern add-ons such as trophies), thanks to the efforts of ImplicitConversions studio, which recently worked with Sony to add PS1 support to its cross-platform Syrup emulator engine.

TapTechNews noticed that ImplicitConversions studio recently added PS2 to its list of supported emulator engines and stated on LinkedIn that they are working with clients to bring NES, PS1, PSP and PS2 games to PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox. In an interview with TimeExtension in March, the company said unable to deny or confirm any information about the 'emulator on PS5' of PS2, but the latest information implies that the company is also involved in this PS2 porting work.
