China Telecom's AI+ Initiatives and Intelligent Computing Developments

TapTechNews May 17th news, China Telecom yesterday released the China Telecom AI+ product upgrade plan and the China Telecom AI brand logo, launched the first batch of AI+ products, and established the China Telecom 'Better Home' Industry Ecosystem Alliance.

Today, Shao Guanglu, general manager of China Telecom, introduced at the 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference that China Telecom focuses on planning the intelligent computing layout of '2+3+7+N+M', and the intelligent computing scale reaches 13 EFLOPS (TapTechNews note: 100 quintillion per second, that is, 10^18 floating-point operations).

At present, China Telecom has built a single-cluster 10,000-card intelligent computing resource pool in Shanghai; in terms of intelligent computing cloud capabilities, it has initially possessed the three major capability platforms of Yunxiao, Huiju, and Xirang, realizing the capabilities of unified management, one-stop provision, and heterogeneous scheduling of intelligent computing power, and the intelligent computing cloud capability has initially taken shape.
