Resident Evil 6 Switch Version Update

TapTechNews May 26th news, Capcom launched the game Resident Evil 6 in 2012. Due to its significant emphasis on the sense of action and neglect of the original elements of 'puzzle-solving and horror' in the game, it was widely criticized by fans of the series and claimed to be the 'worst work' in the Resident Evil series. The highest score on the Metacritic platform for the game is 74 points (PS3 version), and IGN gave this game 7.9 points.

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However, TapTechNews noticed that Capcom has recently added this game's Switch version to the list of Platinum works, which means that the sales of this work on the relevant platform have exceeded 1 million copies.

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It is known that Capcom brought Resident Evil 6 to the Switch platform in October 2019. Actually, the company released a package including three games of Resident Evil 4/5/6 at that time, but later also provided this work in the 'ingle-sale' form. As of the TapTechNews' press release, the current price of this work in the Nintendo eShop Hong Kong server is 156 Hong Kong dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 145 RMB).

Switch version game screenshots:

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