Apple's iOS18 Boosts iPhone 15ProMax's Neural Engine Performance

TapTechNews on June 18, sources @lafaiel tweeted on June 16 that after Apple's iPhone 15ProMax upgraded from iOS17.5.1 to iOS18 system, the GeekBench machine learning test score, which mainly tests the performance of the neural engine, increased by 25%.

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Apples iOS18 Boosts iPhone 15ProMax's Neural Engine Performance_1

Apple's iPhone 15ProMax running iOS17.5.1 version has a GeekBench CoreML neural engine inference score of 6249 points, and after upgrading to the iOS18 system, the score reached 7816 points, which is 25% faster than iOS17.

The source believes that the reason why Apple's iOS18 system can bring such a big performance improvement mainly lies in that Apple uses a CoreML type named MLTensor to calculate multi-dimensional arrays using familiar APIs.

TapTechNews looked up public information from Apple that iOS18 system also improves the performance of some machine learning models, among which MobibleNetv3 only increases by 2%, ALBERT increases by 66%, and the performance of SSDMobileVitv2 increases by 700%.

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