WeChat Video Account Cracks Down on Violations in the Automotive Industry

TapTechNews May 17th news, TapTechNews learned from the public account of 'WeChat Coral Security' that in order to create a clear network space and maintain a green and healthy platform environment, WeChat Video Account has been severely cracking down on various types of violations.

The 'Announcement on Cracking Down on Vulgar and Borderline Marketing Behaviors in the Automotive Industry' stated that recently, through daily inspections and user complaints, the platform found that individual anchors, when introducing automotive-related information and releasing marketing content in the automotive industry in the live broadcast room, used vulgar and borderline behaviors to attract attention and attract traffic. This behavior has damaged the healthy ecosystem of the platform and also had a negative impact on the user experience. For anchors with violations, the platform will impose strict penalties, including but not limited to warning reminders, restricting traffic, cutting off live broadcasts, banning broadcasts, deducting credit points, etc. Since this year, the platform has cumulatively dealt with 1191 violation live rooms and, depending on the violation situation, dealt with accounts according to the platform rules.

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The announcement stated that WeChat Video Account live broadcasts advocate a healthy, natural, and positive concept and encourage the majority of anchors to create high-quality content on the platform. During the live broadcast process, please do not wear overly revealing dresses and skirts, and avoid deliberately focusing the camera on personal body privacy parts. If users find relevant violations during the process of watching the WeChat Video Account live broadcast, they can file a complaint through [the 'Share' button in the upper right corner of the live room - Complaint], and the platform will verify and handle it in the first time.

The announcement also stated that please anchors strictly abide by the requirements of the platform norms and agreements such as the 'WeChat Video Account Operation Norms' and the 'WeChat Video Account Live Broadcast Behavior Norms' to jointly build a green live broadcast environment.
