Microsoft Introduces.NETAspire Framework for Cloud Development

TapTechNews May 24th - According to Microsoft's official press release, Microsoft has recently launched a.NETAspire development framework that can simplify.NET cloud development. This framework mainly includes tools, templates, and NuGet packages, allowing users to create distributed applications'more easily'.

Microsoft Introduces.NETAspire Framework for Cloud Development_0

Microsoft stated that currently building cloud-native applications is a 'complicated task'. The related program development and deployment processes are cumbersome, and developers need to spend a lot of time dealing with the details of the cloud architecture, always paying attention to the health, load balancing, and message passing of cloud services, thus having certain difficulties and troubles.

It is introduced that Microsoft.NETAspire supports technologies/libraries such as HealthChecks, YARP, HttpClientFactory, and gRPC, and also supports Microsoft's newly launched NativeAOT (Ahead-of-Time Compilation) technology, claiming to be able to 'balance the application size and performance'. Developers can also convert any.NET application into a container and quickly deploy it to the cloud by using SDKContainerBuilds.

Microsoft also introduced the AspireDashboard 'web dashboard' feature of.NETAspire. This web dashboard can display detailed information of applications in development, including resources, nodes, environment variables, logs, etc. At the same time, it can also visually display structured logs, distributed tracing, and metric information of OpenTelemetry, providing a near-real-time status view.

In addition, Microsoft mentioned that.NETAspire also provides the AppHost tool to simplify the local development process of distributed applications. This tool allows developers to configure applications and the required services using the C# language, thereby helping developers simply deploy applications to the cloud or Kubernetes.

Microsoft also stated that this.NETAspire framework supports on-demand integration of services, claiming to be able to meet the expansion needs of cloud applications. Currently, developers can already use.NETAspire in Visual Studio 2022 17.10,.NET CLI, and VSCode. Interested TapTechNews friends can query the official documentation for more information: Click here to visit.
