Hongmeng Zhixing's Success during Dragon Boat Festival

TapTechNews, on June 10, news came that tonight, many bloggers such as @I-Hong and @Wu Xiaojie WJie shared posters. Hongmeng Zhixing's全系车型 reservations exceeded 7000 units during the three-day Dragon Boat Festival.

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Earlier today, a poster exposed showed that Hongmeng Zhixing had over 4500 units reserved in the two days of June 8 and 9. According to this calculation, Hongmeng Zhixing added 2500 new reservations on the last day of the Dragon Boat Festival.

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TapTechNews noticed that the Huawei Hongmeng Zhixing Alliance delivered a total of 30578 new cars in May, with a month-on-month increase of 3.19%. In the first five months of this year, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered a total of 148,098 cars.

In terms of specific models, the AITO M7, a new SUV jointly developed by Huawei and Seres, delivered 7201 units in May. The updated M5 SUV delivered 3609 units in May, and the monthly delivery of the AITO M9 was 15875 units.

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In addition, the Zhijie S7, jointly developed by Huawei and Chery, delivered 3455 units in May. On May 31, the pre-sale of the Xiangjie S9, jointly developed by Huawei and BAIC Group, started, and the price range is from 450,000 yuan to 550,000 yuan. (1 yuan is approximately equal to 0.14 US dollars)
