Apple Introduces Privacy Feature with AI in Safari Browser Update, News Industry Concerned

TapTechNews received a tip from Coje_He that Apple is preparing to add an AI-based privacy feature to Safari browser in the iOS 18 software update that can delete ads or other unnecessary website content. The British newspaper group has warned Apple that introducing any ad-blocking 'web eraser' tool could pose financial risks to the news industry. The NMA (News Media Association), a UK media organization, expressed concerns to Apple's UK government affairs chief that this feature will impact the industry's revenue on the web as advertising is their main source of income. Editors fear that AI tools may selectively alter or delete article content, changing the original intent. Some news outlets have already implemented detection for ad-block plugins on their websites, prompting users to disable them to continue browsing. The NMA has requested a meeting with Apple and news media publishers to discuss the potential impacts of this feature.
