iFLYTEK Employee's Sudden Death Rumor and Update

TapTechNews June 18th news, according to the Southern Metropolis Daily report, it was rumored online today that an employee of iFLYTEK died suddenly due to overtime. The rumored picture shows that on the morning of June 18th, a woman was lying flat in front of the glass door on the first floor lobby of iFLYTEK's Hefei headquarters, resulting in many employees gathering outside and unable to enter the company. Messages in the group chat show that the employee who died suddenly was a "senior tester (engineer), 38 years old", and "the old mother was crying on the fourth floor and the wife was crying on the first floor."

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An informed source disclosed to a reporter from the Southern Metropolis Daily that the employee did not die suddenly due to overtime in the iFLYTEK company, but passed away at home the night before, and the family went to the company hoping to be recognized as a work-related injury. Currently, the company has reported to the police and left it to the police to handle it.

According to another source quoted by Nine Pai News, iFLYTEK released an internal notice confirming the truth of this matter.

The notice content shows that at 7 am on June 17th, an employee of iFLYTEK's Smart City BG (Business Group) suddenly felt unwell at home. After the family called 120 for medical treatment and was sent to the hospital, the person died after failed rescue. After the company learned this news from the family, the BG leader went to the employee's home to console at the first time. At the same time, the company set up a working group to apply for union assistance funds, contact commercial insurance, etc., to assist the family to handle relevant follow-up matters.

The notice also mentioned that this morning (June 18th), the family came to the park in grief to express their emotions. Although the company tried its best to soothe, it still failed to effectively stabilize the family's emotions, affecting the normal operation of the park, and expressed deep apology for this.

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TapTechNews reported earlier today that a netizen posted a picture saying that a research and development colleague of cross-border e-commerce enterprise Shopee died suddenly. The Shopee internal network released a statement saying "it has established a special group to cooperate with the family to do the best to handle relevant aftermath work".
