NetEase Leihuo UX Invites 'Hearthstone' Players to Fill Out Questionnaire

TapTechNews on June 18. The official WeChat public account of NetEase Leihuo UX User Experience Center released a dynamic today, inviting Hearthstone players to fill out a research questionnaire, hoping everyone can feedback some real opinions.

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The latter part of the dynamic mentions that In the future, the large-scale research and test of players of Blizzard's games in the Chinese mainland server will all be carried out through the Leihuo UX public account..

This questionnaire contains the following questions:

If in the first version of Hearthstone's return, Chinese mainland server players can get ____ rewards (Note: does not represent the final return reward).

Please select the degree of your agreement with the following contents according to the rewards.

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Based on the comprehensive test results of the editor himself and the feedback of users on the NGA forum and the Travelling Wizard Camp, currently the content in the above horizontal line includes 130 standard card packs, 100 standard card packs, and 70 standard card packs..

No users have found that the content in the horizontal line mentions the catch-up progress pack mechanism introduced by Hearthstone during the suspension period of the Chinese mainland server..

The catch-up progress pack will break the traditional card pack capacity limit of one pack of five cards in Hearthstone when the user's card collection in the involved expansion packs is less than 75%, and more cards can be opened, and at most 50 cards can be opened in one catch-up progress pack.

In addition, this questionnaire also contains the following content that has a closer connection with the Hearthstone game itself:

Activity level before suspension on the Chinese mainland server.

Main game mode.

Length of the game career on the Chinese mainland server.

Consumption of in-game and out-of-game currency.

Current ways to understand Hearthstone.

What is important when the Chinese mainland server returns.

Most desired exclusive return reward for the Chinese mainland server.

Main areas of Hearthstone that KOLs (that is, anchors and video masters) are concerned about.

Attitude towards having the image of KOLs added to the game.

TapTechNews attaches the link of this questionnaire at the end of the article. Friends who have ever played Hearthstone can click to fill it out: Questionnaire link.
