Former Neuralink Employee Files Lawsuit Against Company

TapTechNews June 15th report, according to Bloomberg, a former employee of Elon Musk's brain-computer interface company Neuralink, Lindsay Short, filed a lawsuit against her former employer in a California court on Friday local time. She accused the company of forcing an employee to work with monkeys carrying the B herpes virus, and these monkeys would scratch her exposed skin.

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The former employee said that after being transferred to the company's Fremont, California office location in August 2022, she encountered a working environment full of blame, humiliation, and impossible work tasks. And after she later told the supervisor that she was pregnant, she was fired.

Lindsay Short sued Neuralink on the grounds of retaliation, illegal firing, and gender discrimination, etc..

She also said that she had worked with monkeys carrying the B herpes virus. At that time, the monkey抓破了 her glove, and she accused the company of not providing appropriate protective equipment to deal with these monkeys. In another incident, after she was forced to carry out an unfamiliar procedure, a monkey scratched her face. According to the complaint, when she insisted on seeking treatment, her supervisor threatened that if this happened again, it would bring'serious consequences'.

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In her lawsuit, she also mentioned that Neuralink did not fulfill the promise of 'flexible working hours' to take care of her family, and then in May 2023 - two months after she got a promotion, the company demoted her. And in June of the same year, when she informed the company's human resources department of her pregnancy news, she was fired the next day. TapTechNews learned from the lawsuit that Neuralink said the reason for firing her was 'performance issues'.
