China Announces Further Steps for Home Appliance Trade-in Program

TapTechNews August 25th news, the General Office of 4 departments including the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration for Market Regulation announced the notice on further doing a good job in the trade-in of home appliances today.

TapTechNews attached the main contents as follows:

In various regions, the central and local funds should be used comprehensively to give trade-in subsidies to individual consumers who purchase 8 types of home appliance products such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household cooktops, and range hoods with energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of level 2 and above.

The subsidy standard is 15% of the final sales price of the product; for products with energy efficiency or water efficiency of level 1 and above, an additional 5% of the final sales price of the product is given as subsidy. Each consumer can be subsidized for 1 piece of each type of product, and each subsidy does not exceed $310. (2000 Chinese Yuan).

In various regions determine the specific varieties of the above 8 types of home appliances independently. It is encouraged that local areas, in combination with the consumption habits of local residents, the actual situation of the consumption market, industrial characteristics, etc., give subsidies to other home appliance varieties and clarify the relevant subsidy standards. It is encouraged that regions with conditions include hotel TV terminals in the scope of consumer goods trade-in subsidies as appropriate.

In various regions, the relationship between handing in the old and getting the new should be coordinated and treated equally, and support online and offline channels, and enterprises of different ownerships and different registered places to participate in the trade-in of home appliances.

The subsidy funds for the trade-in of home appliances are shared by the central and local governments according to the principle of 9:1 in general, and the central government's share in the eastern, central, and western regions is 85%, 90%, and 95% respectively.

In various regions, it is strictly prohibited and seriously dealt with in accordance with the law and regulations for behaviors of defrauding subsidy funds in various ways. If suspected of a crime, it should be transferred to judicial organs for criminal responsibility. Through digital means such as big data, false transactions, cross-regional repeated purchases, large-scale hoarding, and subsidy fraud and subsidy arbitrage behaviors should be strictly prevented.
