Jinan to Promote Self-Driving Buses in 2024 with Road Tests and More

TapTechNews July 15, according to the news of 'Jinan Public Transport', in 2024, Jinan Public Transport will promote 4 self-driving buses, among which 2 5.5-meter self-driving buses have applied for temporary license plates for test-use motor vehicles and will be tested in 3 scenarios such as around Huashan Lake, Central Business District, and Hanyu Golden Valley; 2 12-meter self-driving vehicles are planned to be tested on Gongye North Road and Olympic Sports Center Middle Road, and it has currently entered the stage of intelligent connected vehicle test road publicity.

Jinan to Promote Self-Driving Buses in 2024 with Road Tests and More_0

TapTechNews learned that the 5.5-meter L4-level self-driving bus that went on the road for map collection on July 13 uses a single-vehicle intelligent technology route. L4 belongs to highly autonomous driving. In specific scenarios, all driving operations of the vehicle do not require human intervention, and there is no steering wheel, brake pedal, or accelerator pedal in the vehicle. The vehicle has functions such as autonomous overtaking, automatic obstacle avoidance, and precise arrival at stations, and the maximum vehicle speed can reach 40 miles per hour.

Jinan to Promote Self-Driving Buses in 2024 with Road Tests and More_1

The self-driving system of this vehicle includes three major parts: perception, decision-making, and control. The perception system is mainly composed of cameras and radars on the vehicle. This vehicle is equipped with 2 lidars, 2 blind area radars, 2 millimeter-wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, and 10 cameras. These perception devices are just like the eyes and ears of the driver, able to achieve 360° environmental perception around.

Jinan to Promote Self-Driving Buses in 2024 with Road Tests and More_2

On July 13, the main purpose of the vehicle going on the road for testing is to collect high-precision maps using real vehicles. After completing the map collection and production, the vehicle will start the real self-driving road test. After completing 240 hours or 1000 miles of road testing and passing the review, it will apply for self-driving vehicles for demonstration application.

According to Jinan Public Transport, after the self-driving public transport vehicles enter the demonstration application stage after a series of preliminary preparation work such as road testing, citizens and passengers will be officially invited for experience. At that time, Jinan Public Transport will launch an appointment procedure, and citizens and passengers can make appointments for riding experience.
