Dragon Age Shadowguard Gameplay and Difficulty Options Revealed

TapTechNews July 3 news, according to GameInformer, the game director, Corinne Busche, shared some gameplay experiences of BioWare's latest installment of the Dragon Age series, Dragon Age: Shadowguard, which will be released this autumn.

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According to the introduction, before officially starting the game, players can customize the game difficulty on the playstyle page:

Storyteller: suitable for players who are more interested in the story than in combat.

Adventurer: provides an experience that balances story and combat.

Nightmare: chosen and then cannot be switched later.

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TapTechNews noted that in addition to the above three regular difficulty options, Dragon Age: Shadowguard also offers an additional Unbound difficulty option that supports players to customize the game experience according to their preferences:

Adjust the way pathfinding helps in the game.

Assist aiming, auto-aiming options.

Adjust the difficulty of combat parrying timing.

Adjust the amount of damage caused by the enemy to the player and by the player to the enemy.

Adjust the enemy pressure.

Enable the undead option.

The game director, Corinne Busche, said the above options are not cheating, but just to ensure that players of all levels can participate in the game.
