OpenAI Announces Testing of Long-Output Version of GPT-4o with Higher Pricing

TapTechNews August 1st news, OpenAI announced on July 29th that it is testing the long-output version of GPT-4o (GPT-4o LongOutput), with a maximum output of up to 64K tokens per request.

OpenAI Announces Testing of Long-Output Version of GPT-4o with Higher Pricing_0

Currently, this version is only available to Alpha test participants and can be accessed by using the model name gpt-4o-64k-output-alpha.

OpenAI stated that due to the higher inference cost of the long-output version, so the pricing of this model has increased, and the input price per million tokens is $6 (TapTechNews note: currently about 43 RMB yuan) and the output price per million tokens is $18 (currently about 130 RMB yuan).

OpenAI released GPT-4o mini on July 18th, claiming to be the most powerful and cost-effective small model currently. By comparison, the input price per million tokens of GPT-4o mini is only 15 cents and the output price per million tokens is 60 cents.
