LamResearch Introduces LamCyro3.0 for 3D NAND Flash Manufacturing

TapTechNews August 1st news, LamResearch of LamResearch Group announced yesterday local time the launch of the third-generation low-temperature dielectric etching technology LamCyro3.0 for 3D NAND flash manufacturing.

Sesha Varadarajan, senior vice president of global products at LamResearch Group, said:

LamCryo3.0 paves the way for (our) customers to achieve 1000-layer 3D NAND.

LamResearch's low-temperature etching has been used in the production of 5 million wafers, and our latest technology is a breakthrough in the field of 3D NAND production.

It can create high aspect ratio (TapTechNews note: High Aspect Ratio) graphic features with angstrom-level precision while reducing the impact on the environment. The etching speed is more than twice that of traditional dielectric processes.

LamCryo3.0 is the etching technology our customers need to overcome the key NAND manufacturing obstacles in the era of artificial intelligence.

In the existing 3D NAND production, it is necessary to connect the storage units of each layer with slender vertical channels from the top to the bottom of the device.

And in the process of channel construction, even if there is an atomic-level slight error between the graphic feature and the target contour, it may have a negative impact on the electrical performance of the storage new product and may affect the yield.

LamResearch Introduces LamCyro3.0 for 3D NAND Flash Manufacturing_0

And LamCryo3.0 combines a high-energy closed plasma reactor, a working temperature far below 0°C, and new chemical etching substances, which can etch channels with a depth-to-width ratio of 50:1 and a depth of up to 10 μm, while the key dimension deviation of the feature from top to bottom is less than 0.1%.

In addition, compared to the traditional dielectric process, the etching speed of LamCryo3.0 technology is 2.5 times that of the former, the energy consumption is reduced by 40%, and the emissions are reduced by 90%.

Related reading:

The news said that SK Hynix tested the low-temperature etching equipment of Tokyo Electron and is expected to simplify flash memory production
