OpenAI CEO and Husband Sign 'Giving Pledge'

On May 29th, TapTechNews. CNN reported that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and his husband have become the latest billionaires to sign the 'Giving Pledge', a philanthropic initiative that encourages the super-rich to donate their wealth to charity.

The two of them said, The hard work, talent, generosity, and dedication of many people to improve the world constitute the pillar of society and have enabled us to come this far. All we can do is be grateful, give back to society, and do our best to build the scaffolding a little higher.

 OpenAI CEO and Husband Sign Giving Pledge'_0

Currently, Sam Altman's net worth is at least $2 billion (TapTechNews note: currently about 14.5 billion yuan), and most of his wealth comes from investments in start-ups (such as Reddit), and he doesn't have a stake in OpenAI.

The 'Giving Pledge' was launched in 2010 by billionaires Warren Buffett and the former couple Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, aiming to get the richest people in the world to commit to donating at least half of their wealth to charity and public welfare during their lifetimes or through their wills.

This commitment is not a legally binding contract, but more like a moral commitment. So far, more than 245 couples and individuals from 30 countries have signed.
