Avita Owners' Dispute over Car Purchase Subsidy in Chengdu

TapTechNews May 29th news, nowadays, there is a price battle among various major auto companies, and the state and local governments have also introduced corresponding subsidy measures. However, recently some Avita car owners have questioned the 4S store's inducement to buy cars, and what was supposed to be a good thing of car purchase subsidy has turned into a dispute.

According to the China Consumers' Daily report, recently, dozens of Avita car owners in Chengdu, Sichuan were annoyed because they failed to apply for the car purchase subsidy in the High-tech Zone of Chengdu. Some car owners have already complained and safeguarded their rights. The invoice for car purchase is inconsistent with the name of the company participating in the activity, so the Avita car owners can't get the car purchase subsidy.

It is reported that the government of the High-tech Zone in Chengdu, Sichuan launched a new energy vehicle purchase subsidy, but the invoice was issued by the Avita Chengdu High-tech Zone branch company, and the one participating in the subsidy activity was Sichuan City Vehicle Company.

Mr. Wei, the person in charge of Avita after-sales of Sichuan City Vehicle Company, said: The car purchase reward policy of the High-tech Zone in Chengdu stipulates that the sales entity must be an enterprise in the High-tech Zone. Sichuan City Vehicle Company belongs to an enterprise in the High-tech Zone. To apply for the car purchase subsidy, the invoice entity must definitely be Sichuan City Vehicle Company. Since Avita follows a direct sales model and Sichuan City Vehicle Company does not have the sales authorization of Avita, the invoice issued must be that of the Avita company. There is no fraud, this is a normal phenomenon.

TapTechNews found by querying the Chengdu High-tech public account that among the participating enterprises of this activity, Sichuan Province City Vehicle Real Estate Co., Ltd. is indeed marked, and the operating brand also does indeed write Avita. This activity is carried out in the form of purchase first, then reward, with a total budget of 30 million yuan, and the number of reward places does not exceed 6140 units, which is divided into 5 grades, and each car is rewarded with 1500 yuan to 10000 yuan.

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In response to this, Avita has not given a response for the time being. Previously, there was news that Avita will fully transform to the dealer channel model, and the original direct sales employees can choose to join the dealer and continue to work under the new business model.

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