Perfect World's Response to Large-Scale Layoffs Rumor

TapTechNews June 26th, according to Sina Tech, Perfect World today responded to recent rumors about large-scale layoffs: In order to actively adapt to the rapid changes of the external market environment, the company continuously conducts innovative exploration and transformation and upgrading, but indeed some products performed lower than expected.

Perfect World said that in response to challenges, the company took a series of solutions initiatively, including optimizing resource allocation, focusing on core projects, conducting necessary personnel optimization, and intensifying office space, etc., so that resources can be more concentrated on the core competitive business. 'The process of adjustment inevitably brings some pain, and the company is trying to resolve the negative effects while also expecting the outside world to give some time and space for the company to focus on improving internal strength and improving operational efficiency.'

TapTechNews attached background:

The game company Perfect World has recently fallen into a wave of layoffs, and there is a message on the Internet that 'Perfect World's largest scale of layoffs, almost two buildings have been emptied.' 'Daily人物' released a message last Friday that Perfect World's highly anticipated projects of 'Perfect New World' and 'One-Punch Man' have been suspended. Some employees said that the total number of layoffs exceeds a thousand people, and some R&D departments directly lost hundreds of people, and the middle platform originally had 150 people, and now there are only dozens of people left.

The relevant person of the investor relations department of Perfect World said on the 25th that we have always said before that the company's projects will be adjusted according to the actual situation. (Personnel adjustment) This has been going on.

Related reading:

'It is said that Perfect World has the largest scale of layoffs, and the relevant person responded: (personnel adjustment) has been going on, and the projects such as are still in research and development.'
