Alibaba's Cainiao Launches Local Courier Services in Hong Kong with Multiple Offerings and Promises

TapTechNews August 13th news, according to the Hong Kong Economic Journal report, Alibaba's Cainiao has officially launched local courier services in Hong Kong, respectively introducing the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) one-stop e-commerce logistics solution and the Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Cainiao EASY Send service.

Alibabas Cainiao Launches Local Courier Services in Hong Kong with Multiple Offerings and Promises_0

For the Cainiao EASY Send service, Zhu Rui, the head of Cainiao's local courier in Hong Kong, pointed out that the service will be launched in more than 700 self-pickup points in Hong Kong in stages. Currently, about 80 self-pickup points have been opened, and it is expected to expand to all by the end of this year.

Currently, consumers can complete filling in the shipping information, weighing and payment through the Cainiao Hong Kong App, and choose the nearest Cainiao self-pickup point to send the package quickly. After arranging the shipment, consumers can also keep track of the logistics status on the App.

Cainiao makes a next-day delivery time commitment across Hong Kong, and the daily order cut-off time is 4 p.m. In terms of price, it is charged according to the actual weight of the goods. The charge for sending from a self-pickup point starts from HK$15, and the charge for home delivery starts from HK$22, calculated from 1 kg.

When asked whether it plans to attack the Hong Kong market with a low-price strategy, Zhu Rui responded that whether it is low-price or not is not the core business strategy. Instead, after understanding the user needs and having a certain scale and ability, it can focus on meeting the needs of cost performance.

Cainiao promises to provide shipping guarantee for each package. If the package is damaged or lost during shipping, according to the proof of the value of the goods provided by the customer, each merchant and consumer can respectively obtain the maximum compensation of HK$1000 (TapTechNews note: currently about 921 RMB).

In the B2C aspect, Cainiao provides various pickup methods such as home pickup, self-delivery to the warehouse, and sending from self-pickup points, and makes a next-day delivery time commitment across Hong Kong. Different pickup methods have different order cut-off times, and the latest order cut-off time is 10 p.m..

However, currently this service is limited to the transportation of normal-temperature products and does not support the transportation of frozen products for the time being. Zhu Rui pointed out that currently, the priority is to solve the shipping needs of regular items. If users and merchants have needs in terms of frozen products, it will also be considered when the logistics capacity is mature. In addition, Zhu Rui disclosed that since Cainiao entered the Hong Kong market in 2018, it has continuously invested resources. Currently, the warehouse area is nearly 20,000 square meters, distributed in the core areas of Kowloon and the New Territories, and there are about 1000 employees in Hong Kong.
