China and US to Hold First Government-to-Government Dialogue on Artificial Intelligence

On May 13, according to the Broad Pacific WeChat account of the North American and Oceania division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to implement the consensus reached at the meeting between the Chinese and American presidents in San Francisco, China and the United States will hold the first government-to-government dialogue on artificial intelligence in Geneva, Switzerland on May 14th local time. The dialogue will focus on discussing the risks of AI technology, global governance, and other issues of concern to both sides.

Furthermore, according to the 2023 Global AI Index ranking released by the British institution Tortoise Media last year, the company uses three indicators - investment, innovation, and practice - to determine the ranking of countries in AI development. The United States ranks first in all three indicators and scores a perfect 100 points, especially excelling in investment, largely due to high scores in commercial investment, i.e. the activity of startups. China closely follows with a score of 62. Since the first release of the index in 2020, the United States and China have consistently ranked in the top two.

As reported by TapTechNews earlier, OpenAI CEO Altman stated in June last year, China has some of the best AI talent in the world, and I sincerely hope that Chinese AI researchers can make significant contributions in this field. In addition, according to information from the American think tank Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), China and the United States are the most collaborative countries in AI research.
