Microsoft Edge Introduces 'Smart Print' Feature in Canary Version

TapTechNews May 13th news, old users of Microsoft Edge browser may still remember the clean print function, which can remove ads and clutter from the print content in the EdgeLegacy version. However, after Edge switched to the Chromium core in 2020, most of the old functions were inherited into the new version, but this practical clean print function was missing.

Recently, WindowsReport discovered a smart print function hidden in the Edge browser Canary version (test version). The function is currently in default disabled state, but it is speculated to be more powerful than clean print because it can be applied to almost all websites.

According to TapTechNews, when the smart print function is open to all users, users only need to click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the browser as usual, select Print, or use the shortcut key Ctrl+P to bring up the print settings. Unlike the previous print interface, users will see an additional smart print switch, turn it on to remove the distracting factors from the print content, making the layout clean and easy to read.

However, it should be noted that Microsoft seems to be cautiously gradually pushing this feature to Canary version users. Even if you have updated to the latest Canary version (currently 126.0.2580.0), you may not temporarily see the smart print option.

For Edge old users who like the clean print feature, the return of this new feature is undoubtedly good news.
