OpenAI Proposes Five-Level Standard for General Artificial Intelligence

TapTechNews July 12th news, Bloomberg reported that OpenAI proposed a five-level standard for general artificial intelligence to confirm the progress of artificial intelligence. OpenAI executives told employees that the company considers itself currently still at the first level, but is about to reach the second level.

General artificial intelligence (AGI, Artificial General Intelligence), refers to a general artificial intelligence entity that has efficient learning and generalization abilities and can independently generate and complete tasks according to the complex and dynamic environment it is in, with abilities such as independent perception, cognition, decision-making, learning, execution and social collaboration, and conforms to human emotions, ethics and moral concepts.

TapTechNews attached the level standard proposed by OpenAI:

Level 1: Chatbot, an artificial intelligence with conversational language

Level 2: Reasoner, an artificial intelligence that solves human-level problems

Level 3: Agent, an artificial intelligence that can take actions on behalf of users

Level 4: Innovator, an artificial intelligence that can assist in invention

Level 5: Organizer, an artificial intelligence that can complete organizational work

It is introduced that OpenAI has been committed to building AGI, and currently such systems do not yet exist. OpenAI's chief executive officer Sam Altman has said that AGI is expected to be achieved before 2030.
