Sony Unveils PlayStation Concept Controller and Creative Entertainment Vision

TapTechNews May 24th news, Sony Corporation held the Group Strategy Conference 2024 press conference yesterday and showcased a special-shaped PlayStation concept controller.

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As can be seen from the picture, this controller continues the design of the PlayStation controller, with a transparent disc in the middle and a portable display screen on the top.

Sony announced at the press conference that it will define its Creative Entertainment Vision and showed a concept promotional video, in which this controller appeared, as well as a series of concept VR glasses, handheld devices, etc. TapTechNews attached the content as follows:

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In the video introduction, Sony looks forward: In ten years, we will live in a more diverse world where the physical and virtual reality overlap without boundaries. We have prototyped under the concept of 'Creative Entertainment Vision', envisioning through the lens of Sony's creativity and technology, presenting the future as an extension of today's life.

Sony stated that its Creative Entertainment Vision is divided into three stages:

1. Use technology to go beyond the physical, virtual and time dimensions to unleash the creativity of creators around the world.

2. Span boundaries to connect different people and values to foster vibrant communities.

3. Together with creators, create exciting experiences of rich narratives beyond imagination.

At the press conference, Neil Druckmann, the creative director of Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us, said that the next game of Naughty Dog studio may redefine the mainstream game concept.

In another interview, the head of PlayStation Productions predicted that in the next ten years, as game technology progresses, the focus will shift from graphics or visuals to immersive narrative.
