Xiaomi Internal Disciplinary Actions Against Two International Department Executives

TapTechNews, June 14. According to Sina Technology, Xiaomi recently informed internally about cases of violations of regulations and disciplines, involving two regional general managers of Xiaomi's international business department.

Owen, the former general manager of Western Europe region of the original international business department, fictitiously outsourced business and the amount involved was huge. He was terminated and the company initiated criminal and civil rights protection against him.

Chen Bingxu, the former general manager of Latin America region of the international business department,索要巨额贿赂(solicited huge bribes), accepted precious properties, and received luxurious entertainment, etc., with a huge amount involved. He was terminated, options were confiscated, and the company's losses were compensated.

It is reported that both executives involved are the backbone of Xiaomi's overseas business. In a personnel appointment in 2019, Owen was appointed as the general manager of the Western Europe region, and Chen Bingxu was appointed as the general manager of the Eastern Europe region. Later, Chen Bingxu was transferred to the general manager of the Latin America region.

It is worth noting that both Europe and Latin America are important overseas markets for Xiaomi and have relatively high market shares.

On June 9, Canalys released the smartphone report for the first quarter of 2024 in the European market. Samsung occupied 37% of the market share and ranked first; Apple ranked second with a market share of 22%; Xiaomi ranked third with a market share of 16%, just behind Samsung and Apple.

The Canalys report also shows that in the first quarter of this year, Xiaomi ranked third with 5.3 million shipments in the Latin America region, with a market share of 15.3%, and the shipments increased by 45% year-on-year.
