Google's Announcement on ChromeOS and AI

On June 13, TapTechNews reported that on Wednesday, Google announced that the ChromeOS operating system will "be developed largely based on the Android stack", enabling the launch of artificial intelligence functions more rapidly. The company stated that they will take "the Android Linux kernel and Android framework as a part of the foundation of ChromeOS".

Googles Announcement on ChromeOS and AI_0

Google said these changes not only mean more artificial intelligence functions but will also help "simplify engineering work" and "enable better collaborative work between different devices such as mobile phones and accessories and Chromebooks".

It is certain that Google hopes Chromebook users will try out artificial intelligence functions as much as possible, and these changes will definitely accelerate this process. But the company also cautiously stated that although the change in the technology stack "starts now", "it will still take consumers a considerable amount of time to use".

According to TapTechNews, the ChromebookPlus notebook currently already supports the use of Gemini from the main screen.
