Ministry of Public Security Updates on Combating Online Rumors in China

TapTechNews August 27th news, according to the official live record of the Information Office of the State Council, at the series of theme news conferences on 'Promoting High-Quality Development' held today, the Ministry of Public Security talked about the progress of work related to cracking down on online rumors.

The director of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Wang Qiang, disclosed that since this year, public security organs have investigated more than 22,000 cases of online rumor-related cases, and lawfully investigated and dealt with more than 25,000 netizens who spread rumors, and lawfully guided network operators to shut down more than 160,000 illegal and non-compliant accounts, and cleared more than 1.322 million pieces of online rumor information.

In addition, the Ministry of Public Security has deeply investigated outstanding illegal and criminal activities such as online water armies and MCN institutions that manipulate behind the scenes and create rumors. A total of 623 such cases have been investigated and 3,397 illegal and criminal personnel have been arrested.

In terms of rumor-refuting publicity work, the Ministry of Public Security has continuously carried out publicity and education by comprehensively using various forms such as police situation announcements, news conferences, media interview reports, releasing typical cases, and offline publicity activities, and has cumulatively exposed more than 3,600 typical cases.

In terms of strengthening comprehensive governance measures for website platforms, the Ministry of Public Security adheres to promoting governance and management through cracking down, starting from major online rumor cases, investigating and troubleshooting loopholes and problems of website platforms, investigating and dealing with 1,036 website platforms, and conducting individual interviews and rectifications for key website platforms.

TapTechNews noted that in recent years, new technologies such as artificial intelligence AI have reduced the cost of creating rumors. In 2023, the 'Guiding Opinions on Legally Punishing Cyber Violence-related Illegal and Criminal Offenses' jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security stipulated that for the situation of 'publishing illegal information by using generative artificial intelligence technology such as 'deep synthesis'', severe punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the law.
