BMW Becomes the First to Combine L2 and L3 Autonomous Driving Systems

TapTechNews June 26th news, as reported by BMWBLOG, BMW stated that it has become the first automaker to obtain approval to combine L2 and L3 level autonomous driving systems in a single vehicle.

The new BMW 7 Series now offers the BMW Highway Assistant and BMW Personal Pilot functions.

The BMW Highway Assistant (L2) allows the vehicle to travel at a maximum speed of 80.78 miles per hour, and this function is only available on lanes that are physically separated from oncoming traffic (such as highways). Drivers can take their hands off the steering wheel for extended periods, but they must remain alert and be ready to take over control when needed.

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The BMW Personal Pilot (L3) allows drivers to take their hands off the steering wheel and temporarily shift their attention away from the road, and can take over driving completely in certain situations, such as in traffic jams on highways, traveling at a maximum speed of 37.28 miles per hour.

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From August 2024, car drivers who are already equipped with the BMW Personal Pilot (L3) can add the BMW Highway Assistance System to their vehicle functions without incurring any additional costs.
