Guizhou's Big Data Industry Development

TapTechNews June 14. The State Information Office held a series of thematic press conferences on Promoting High-Quality Development today. Luo Qiang, the vice governor of Guizhou Province, said that Guizhou has been implementing the big data strategy since 2014. It has been 10 years now. As the first comprehensive big data pilot zone in the whole country, the big data industry in Guizhou has grown from scratch and achieved vigorous development.

Luo Qiang introduced that over the years, Guizhou has introduced a number of industry-leading enterprises, such as Huawei, Tencent, and the three major communication operators, etc., to build big data centers in Guizhou, and the number of key data centers in operation and under construction in the province has reached 47.

In Guizhou, a number of landmark new digital infrastructure projects have also been completed, and the national-level backbone direct connection point of the Internet and the dedicated international Internet data channels have been opened and put into operation. Last year, China Mobile built the world's first 400G computing power channel in Guiyang, and the data transmission from Guiyang to Guangzhou and Shenzhen only takes 10 milliseconds, and to Hangzhou 16 milliseconds.

According to TapTechNews' report in March this year, Huawei Cloud and the Management Committee of Guizhou Gui 'an New Area officially signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement pointed out that Huawei Cloud will build a Huawei Cloud Intelligent Computing Base in Gui'an New Area and aim to build the world's largest and leading intelligent computing center.

In 2023, the economic work meeting of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee clearly put forward that it is necessary to seize the opportunity of the tuyere of artificial intelligence, and accelerate the development of new-quality productive forces and strive to build a global leading intelligent computing center model by focusing on seizing the three commanding heights of intelligent computing, industry big model cultivation, and data training.

In the next three years, Huawei will continue to increase the deployment of NPU cards in Gui'an and ensure that the PUE value (total energy consumption of the data center / IT equipment energy consumption) of the intelligent computing center is not higher than 1.2 (the closer to 1, the higher the energy efficiency level).
