Google Updates Android 15 App Behavior Changes and Widget Disabling

According to TapTechNews on June 14, Google updated its developer website, stating that Android 15 will adjust the behavior of some apps. When a user force-stops an application, the system will terminate or cancel the pending intents of that application. Related widgets will all be temporarily disabled and displayed in gray.

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Before the user restarts the application, they cannot interact with the widgets on the desktop. The user can open the application directly by tapping the icon, or indirectly open the application through the'share' menu in other apps.

TapTechNews attached the following content of Google's official developer log:

If a user force-stops an application on a device with Android 15, the system will temporarily deactivate all the widgets of that application.

These widgets will be grayed out and the user cannot interact with them. This is because, starting from Android 15, when an application is force-stopped, the system will cancel all the pending intents of the application.

The system will re-enable these widgets when the user starts the application next time.

Google stated in the subsequent explanatory content that it hopes developers will use the new 'ApplicationStartInfo.wasForceStopped()' method to confirm whether their application is in a stopped state.
