Google Optimizes Android 15 Desktop Mode with New Window Options

TapTechNews August 10th news, the tech media AndroidAuthority reported that Google is optimizing the desktop mode of the Android 15 system, adding new window options.

Android desktop mode

Google first introduced the desktop mode in the Android 10 system in 2019, but this mode is very rudimentary.

Although users can start application programs in a windowed manner, the operable options are very limited. The original intention of Google to introduce the desktop mode is to help developers test their application programs in multi-display scenarios.

Google Optimizes Android 15 Desktop Mode with New Window Options_0

Google has continuously optimized the built-in desktop mode of the Android system since the end of 2022 and brought a large number of modifications in the Android 15 system.

Google launched the FeaturesDrop function update for the Pixel 8 series of phones in June 2024 and enabled display output support on Pixel phones for the first time.

Improvements in Android 15 desktop mode

TapTechNews attaches the following operation experience of the Android 15 desktop mode on the tablet:

As shown in the video, when the user clicks the drop-down menu in the Favorites screen, a new Desktop button will appear.

After the user clicks the Desktop button, the application program will start in a free-format window in the Android desktop mode environment. The window can be moved, collapsed, resized, minimized, maximized, or connected with other application windows.

After the desktop mode is activated and returns to the home screen, the user can re-enter the desktop environment by tapping the Desktop card in the common screen or opening an application, expanding its window title, and then tapping the button to start it in a free-format window.
