Ji Yue 01 Car Pushes V1.5.0 System Update with Enhanced Features

TapTechNews May 15 news, Ji Yue 01 car started pushing V1.5.0 version system update today.

After this update, the PPA function expands its availability, and the parking experience of vehicles is optimized. The TapTechNews update details are as follows:

Intelligent Driving

Expanded PPA Availability

PPA launches the 'Hundred Cities Tasting' program, specific city information can be found on Ji Yue's official channels.

Parking Experience Optimization

Optimized vehicle positioning ability and parking spot detection strategy, increasing the success rate of detecting empty parking spots, enabling the parking of more vehicles.

Enhanced detection accuracy of obstacles near narrow parking spaces, improving the success rate of parking in narrow spaces.

Improved perception ability for straight-line parking, loosening distance restrictions on both sides, supporting the use of narrower parking spaces.

Enhanced detection accuracy for static obstacles in straight-line parking, enabling the choice of parking direction in more scenarios.

Feature Optimization

Optimized occasional red light recognition anomalies.

Optimized occasional failure of the driving recorder to record.

Optimized occasional unresponsiveness of the voice-controlled reading light.

Optimized occasional inaccuracies in the car's time display.

Optimized occasional failure to save wallpaper settings on the car system.

Optimized occasional playback stuttering during LePlay projection.

Optimized occasional Bluetooth connection anomalies on the car system.

Optimized occasional slow turn signal extinguishing after completion of a turn.

At ApolloDay 2024, Baidu Apollo released the world's first large-scale model ApolloADFM (Autonomous Driving Foundation Model) that supports L4-level autonomous driving.

In the L2+ intelligent driving field, the Pure Vision City Navigation Assistant Product ANP3, supported by Apollo, will be upgraded to ASD (Apollo Self-Driving), making its debut on Ji Yue's full range of models. This technology allows for nationwide intelligent driving and driving in places with Baidu Maps.

Ji Yue's official website sells the Ji Yue 01 car and the Ji Yue 07 car unveiled at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, both equipped with advanced Pure Vision intelligent driving technology. This release of the ASD feature is expected to enhance Pure Vision intelligent driving for Ji Yue's vehicle models.
