Taobao Launches Tmall AI Bargaining Assistant and Naming Activity

TapTechNews May 25th news. Recently, Taobao announced the launch of the "Tmall AI Bargaining Assistant" and initiated a naming activity.

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Users open the Tmall App, click "Find Discount" at the bottom right of the shopping cart interface, and can see the "Help Bargain" entrance. After entering, users can choose the bargaining products by themselves. This function requires the user's Taobao messaging account to bargain with the merchant.

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TapTechNews found that when bargaining, this AI assistant usually uses phrases like "I saw the same product at other stores with a relatively cheaper price. Can you consider giving a better price (or free gift)", "If there can be a discount, I will give a five-star review", "This product looks very good and I am very interested", etc. The actual experience still needs improvement.

Those who have used this function can share their feelings in the comment area.

Official case:

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