Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant's

TapTechNews May 25th news, according to CCTV News report, Unit 4 of the Hualong One at Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi completed its trial operation today and officially went into commercial operation to generate electricity.

It is known that both Unit 4 and Unit 3 of Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi adopt China's independently developed third-generation nuclear power technology Hualong One. The annual power generation of the two units can reach 18 billion kWh, which can meet the annual electricity demand for the production and living of 2 million people. It can reduce the consumption of standard coal by more than 5.436 million tons and the emission of carbon dioxide by about 14.832 million tons annually. The environmental protection benefit is equivalent to planting more than 40,000 hectares of trees.

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According to public information, as the first nuclear power plant in China's western region and ethnic minority areas, the two units of the first phase of Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant have been put into commercial operation in 2016. The 3rd and 4th units of the second phase project are the demonstration projects of Hualong One, among which the first Hualong One in the western region of China - Unit 3 of Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant has been put into commercial operation on March 25, 2023, and the first cycle operates safely and reliably. The capacity factor in 2023 reaches 98.2%, setting the best record among domestic third-generation reactors.

Hualong One is an advanced million-kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power technology developed by China's two major nuclear power enterprises, China National Nuclear Corporation (abbreviated as CNNC) and China General Nuclear Power Corporation (abbreviated as CGN), based on more than 30 years of nuclear power research, design, manufacturing, construction and operation experience, and in accordance with the experience feedback from the Fukushima nuclear accident and the latest safety requirements in China and globally. It is an innovative achievement of the third-generation pressurized water reactor nuclear power with completely independent intellectual property rights.

On January 30, 2021, the world's first Hualong One nuclear power unit - Unit 5 of Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant of CNNC was put into commercial operation.

On May 20, 2021, at 1:15 am, the Hualong One overseas first reactor project - Unit 2 of Karachi Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan was officially put into commercial operation.

On January 1, 2022, the first grid connection of Unit 6 of福清 Nuclear Power Plant of CNNC, the independently developed third-generation nuclear power Hualong One in China, was successful for the first time, and began to send out the first kilowatt-hour of electricity to the grid, becoming the third Hualong One grid-connected generating unit in the world and the second in China.
