
Taobao Updates Its VisionPro Version with New Features

Taobao launched VisionPro version on AppStore and updated to 2.0 with payment function, voice search, etc. DJI and Xiaomi brand pavilions are available.

Taobao VisionPro Update and Collaborations

Taobao VisionPro version 2.0 is updated with collaborations on various fronts. New news on June 28th. Learn more here.

2024 European Football Championship Introduces Virtual Real-time Advertising

Discover how the 2024 European Football Championship uses virtual real-time advertising for different markets.

Taobao VisionPro Official Version Revealed and Its Features

Taobao VisionPro official version exposed with virtual shopping guide, 3D advertising, etc. Supports iris ID for orders. Previous US version was for demo.

Taobao Launches Tmall AI Bargaining Assistant and Naming Activity

Taobao introduces the Tmall AI Bargaining Assistant. Learn how it works and user experiences. Share your thoughts in the comments.

Taobao's 618 Festival 88VIP Benefits and Updates

Taobao's 618 promotion with 88VIP features, sales growth, and platform updates. 150 characters.

Taobao Adjusts App Homepage for Users' Individual Preferences

Taobao makes changes to its app homepage to match users' preferences and habits, while also upgrading its web version for better user experience.