LumaAI's DreamMachine Video Model Opens for Testing

TapTechNews June 13th, LumaAI announced on the X platform that the video model DreamMachine is open for testing and available for free trial.

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TapTechNews attached the DreamMachine address:

LumaAI claims that DreamMachine can generate high-quality videos from text and images.

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DreamMachine can generate 120 frames in 120 seconds, and currently the longest single video is 5 seconds; the generated videos have realistic smooth motion, cinematography and dramatic effects; it can also match the camera movement to create a stunning picture.

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LumaAI also mentioned the current problems of the model, such as the car will deform when switching perspectives, the dog's movement does not use the paws, there will be problems with displaying text (it will display Luma as Lumma), and the polar bear has two heads when turning around (Janus is the Roman god of doorways, with two faces front and back). The official said they will still continue to optimize the model.

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