Netflix Announces Another Subscription Price Hike in Turkey

TapTechNews July 10th news, after a wide range of price hikes at the beginning of this year, Netflix once again announced a subscription price increase in Turkey, with the Premium package increasing by 30% to 299.99 Turkish lira per month:

Basic: 149.99 Turkish lira per month (TapTechNews note: currently about $4.50 USD)

Standard: 229.99 Turkish lira per month (currently about $6.90 USD)

Premium plan: 299.99 Turkish lira per month (currently about $9.00 USD)

These prices currently only apply to new subscribers and will gradually take effect for all existing members. Unless the existing subscription expires and they choose to change their subscription plan, they will receive an email notification 30 days before the price change.

Netflix Announces Another Subscription Price Hike in Turkey_0

With this price increase again, Netflix's Turkish subscription fee has increased by approximately 219% (93.99 TL → 299.99 TL) since the first price increase in early 2023.

For comparison, Disney+ is currently priced at 134.99 Turkish lira per month (currently about $18.00 USD) or 1349 Turkish lira per year (currently about $180.00 USD); AmazonPrime offers PrimeVideo and PrimeGaming at 39.99 Turkish lira per month (currently about $5.40 USD).
