Huawei WATCH 4 Series Upgrades 'Micro Physical Examination' Function

According to TapTechNews on June 14, the official Weibo account of Huawei Terminal Company announced today that the "micro physical examination" function of the Huawei WATCH 4 series watches has received a brand new upgrade. This function can understand the health indicators of the user's body within 60 seconds.

According to the introduction, this upgrade mainly involves the following functions:

The number of data in the detection report has increased to 13 items at the same detection duration.

A new before-after comparison analysis report is added, and it can also be linked with more third-party detection equipment.

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TapTechNews has inquired and learned that the "micro physical examination" function initially supported the detection of 10 items of health data detection and risk assessment, and quickly detected heart rate, blood oxygen, stress, body temperature, electrocardiogram, blood vessel elasticity, blood vessel risk screening, lung function assessment, COPD risk screening, and lung infection risk screening, and simultaneously generated a micro physical examination report on the watch and the Huawei Sports Health App. However, the official has not disclosed the specific information of the newly added 3 items for the time being.

In addition, the "micro physical examination" also has abnormal data reminder, health trend analysis, and online consultation with professional medical institutions (requires payment), providing users with a full-process service from detection, reminder, analysis to consultation.

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