Google to Support JetBrains' KotlinMultiplatform on Android

TapTechNews May 21 news, Google recently released a press release announcing that it will support the KotlinMultiplatform technology under JetBrains on the Android platform. This technology emphasizes 'cross-platform code reuse' and is claimed to reduce the burden on developers. Only one set of business logic code can be used for terminals such as mobile platforms, PC web pages, desktop platforms, and server ends.

Google to Support JetBrains' KotlinMultiplatform on Android_0

It is introduced that JetBrains officially launched the KotlinMultiplatform development tool at the end of 2023, which can compile Kotlin code into platform-native binary files while still retaining the advantages of 'native applications'. KotlinMultiplatform is mainly composed of parts such as the compiler, language features, library APIs, IDE, and build tools, and has high flexibility and can support different degrees of code reuse.

TapTechNews learned from the press release that the Android system will support KotlinMultiplatform technology in the near future. Google will also cooperate with JetBrains engineers to develop the Kotlin compiler to improve the running performance of Kotlin to the native platform, and at the same time will improve the build time of the KotlinNative compiler. In addition, Google also claims that they have already taken the lead in using the ComposeMultiplatform technology in their own product 'Google Docs' to share business logic.

In addition to Google, currently many widely used applications/libraries have also begun to support KotlinMultiplatform technology. According to previous reports, the SQLite terminal database 'WCDB' under the WeChat team has recently been promoted to a new version, and the main feature is 'newly added support for C++ and Kotlin'.

Related Reading:

'The new version of WeChat's full-platform terminal database WCDB is open source, with newly added support for C++ and Kotlin'
